
Dress Up w/ the Big Girls

Of course Audrey wanted in the middle of all the fun......
What fun?????? Alexa and 2 sisters that she plays w/ decided they wanted to play 'dress up'. So, what did this mean? To my shock....... it meant that ALL and I mean ALL of Alexa's clothes out of the closet and her drawers to be laid out on her bed, on the floor, actually anywhere that they could find a place to 'display their outfits'. I tried to not scream in horror as I went up to check on them. I decided this was a moment of fun for her and it would be discussed later w/ out friends. I'll say I took care of it in a calm matter.

I might add Taylor Swift was blaring in the room, which OK I love her music too. A makeup kit was out ALL over the sink. WOW............what a clean up effort.


Rozanne said...

It reminds me of the day when Beau was 2 or 3 and Ann walked into her bedroom and said, "What have you done to this room?" He responsed by putting both hands out, palms down and slowly lowering them and slowly saying ..."Be nice."
Fun day for the girls!