
Alexa 9th b-day

To Alexa.....Happy 9th b-day!! To us you are: loving, thoughtful, kind, creative, nurturing, and a great big sister. You are so good w/ Audrey. She will remember all the times you create forts, put on tea parties, play dress up, dance to really loud music. We think your great! We love you and love watching you grow into a beautiful young lady.
Getting ready to make Alexa a b-day cake. Audrey loves to be in the middle of it. Her new thing now is the spice cabinet. I try to have patience....... I mean how much time do I really have to open up ALL the spices so she can smell them.
Alexa and......the beautiful wallpaper in the backround.
I just realized Audrey has no shirt on.
Alexa showcasing her gifts from g-ma Nancy. Getting g-ma's box is always sooooo fun. One of her favorite gifts was a personalized recipe binder. She is excited about that one, it's like a recipe scrapbook. G-ma made the scarf that she is wearing. Thanks g-ma!!