
Alexa's thoughts....

Alexa had a question, so this is our conversation.

Mom, is Obama a golfer?
I'm not sure.
What do you do as president?
Run the Country, make lots of important decisions.
If I were President, I would have lots of candy shops w/ all sorts of candy, mostly cotton candy though, and it would be free.
Oh really....
There would be no bad people that smoked, drank or did drugs, so we could walk there all by ourselves.
That would be nice.
Everyone would be Mormon, so we could have sleepovers.

Funny huh?


Tod Robbins said...

This is extremely hilarious. By the way, I've added you to our weekly email/blog with the email address my mom sent. Looking forward to staying in touch more!

The Gallup Family said...

Wendy I miss you guys!!!! you seriously have the most beautiful kids! will you call me soon??

rozanne said...

Now that's a conversation that can only be had by thoughtful contemplation. Way to go girl. I like the way you think.
Speaking of thinking, I loved your "Thank You" note for your B-day gift. Thanks for the pictures and note.
I love you!