
Baby Zac '08

This is Baby Zac. I have not shared any pictures of him as I have not blogged since he was born. He was born on Dec. 29, 2008. He came to us stillborn at full term. Hard to explain the pain we went through during this time. The only comfort we have is knowing he is in Heaven with our family members that have gone on, and that he is our son forever. That brings me peace. We love him.


EVERYDAY said...

oh Wendy & Jody... these family photos makes my heart feel so sad. I'm so sorry for the loss of Zac and the pain you all went through (and continue to feel, even after all these months) That must have been such a difficult time. I miscarried at 12 weeks between Daniella and our little Mia... and that was a rough time for me... to go full term and hold your little one - I can't even imagine that!!! Thank you for sharing these photos with us... even though it's hard to share... there's also healing in it and a love behind it that goes beyond words!! Miss you guys!!! -Dot